I'd love to tell you where to buy this beautiful brooch so that you can get as much pleasure out of wearing as I do. But it's a gift from my Mum, bought even before I was born on her only trip to France.
This is the beauty in its outfit context:
Is there anything you wear that you really cherish? I'd love to hear about it.
Special thanks go to my grey cardigan (Lands End), my black blazer (H&M, sleeves tailored) and my grey trousers (Strauss) for providing me with endless outfit opportunities throughout the 30for30 challenge:
1. Which holiday party are you looking forward to attending this year? Oooooh, our own one. Is that bad? We’re attempting a Hogmanay party in Germany for the first time. I’m really excited about good friends, good whisky and some good fun.
2. What is your go-to holiday party outfit? Ha! I have no such thing. Actually, that’s not true. I have this beautiful vintage, late 60s dress. Every day would be a party if the dress would hold up to be worn that often.
3. Do you go dressed in something that would be impractical to wear at any other time of the year? This is me at about ?am having survived our company DO last week in a well-danced-in nude silk shirt and floaty black mini-skirt (black thick tights and high-heeled peep toes on underneath). I’ve worn the skirt with t-shirts in the summer and would be happy to have the top on with jeans or trousers. Thinking about it, I could easily wear the whole outfit (minus tights) to a summer event too. So, no!
4. If you are going to a house-party what gift will you bring to the host/hostess? Oatcakes, shortbread, freshly baked scones (OK, if I have time), black tea or whisky depending on the event and the person. I also love (giving) flowers: peonies, if anyone’s interested, peonies. 5. If you could buy only one trendy piece to update your holiday party wardrobe, what would you get this year? I could buy a very pretty hairband like the very stylish writer from Between Laundry Days (scroll down to the third photo), but I won't. I’d probably look nothing like I imagine. Too old, me thinks.
Finished. It was impossible for me to create thirty different outfits. Kendi could have handed me 150 items of clothing herself and I'd still not manage. Somedays, I had to do the warmth, comfort, familiarity or whatever it was that made me wear more-or-less the same outfits more than once. Like today:
OK, enough of this getting dressed lark for today, and back to the other parts of my morning routine. I just had to share this delicious concoction:
- quark mixed with a dash of fizzy mineral water - a chopped apple - a chopped plum - 3 dessert spoons of oats, toasted (golden brown) in a frying pan. No oil needed.