I got this beautiful string of beads from my man a few years ago and while I've always loved it, haven't really had the 'outfit' to go.
Until now! And boy, it's so much more than just a necklace...
The Necklace
The Baby Bumper (the stone whacks Little Baby in time to my steps)

The Gypsy Bangle
The Strangulation Device (not to be attempted during later stages of pregnancy)
Hanging Loose
Which look do you prefer?
Do you have any other ideas for outfits to go with this necklace?
The date was fab, thanks for asking. Bumped into 2 long-time-no-see friends and had a drink with them on the way home. (That never happens. Loved it).
I've noticed loads of pregnant women's blogs are aimed at 'staying fabulous', 'remaining true to their previous styles' and avoiding yoga pants with men's t-shirts at all costs. Good for you. Seriously. This blog will definitely defy all of the above, and even worse, not intentionally either. To be honest, if I can get through this experience with a healthy body, healthy mind and, most importantly, healthy baby, I'd be happy to walk down a catwalk wearing a string vest and shell-suit bottoms.
Take my pride into account though, and there are days when I'd like to look current, be at one with myself and, very importantly, free to move. So, there you have it. A pregnancy style statement.
Case in point? This is what I pulled out of the wardrobe this morning. Your challenge is to guess whether this is a string vest or pregnancy pride day:
How was your morning?
Part of what I really enjoyed about breaking my whirlwind, pre-pregnancy, morning routine was looking for, preparing and photographing different breakfast ideas. Although I'm over-the-moon to be expecting, hyperemesis has stopped me from enjoying that food variety. Most days I'm happy to keep Crunchy Nut Cornflakes down. (OK, I could change up the bowls and the lighting every day, but you'd know... wouldn't you?)
So, for the interim, I have found a positive, non-food alternative; something mindful that can be incorporated into a morning routine. Ta ra, what do you think?
Whoaaaaa... now I'm typing this up that's what I'm thinking. Having started in January, most of the members are going for 52 re-styles... I'll go for 20 up until the Due Date. Some of the re-styles on their projects are fan.tas.tic, lots of talent out there. I hope to include the re-styling of:
a couple of lampshades
wardrobe handles
old stamps from my man's collection
Run out of ideas already. Well, here goes nothing!