Commenting on this post, Linda and Jean joked about their breakfast-inspired outfits resembling boring bowls of oatmeal or Special K. Well, the joke stops here! Picture a black bowl and ta ra, there you have it:
Yes, the only thing missing is the white shirt for milk (too literal, too literal). The nut topping, however, is my fab little fossil, a leaving gift on my departure from Japan:
Boring, probably. Colourless, definitely. But somehow... I really liked this outfit! That probably says quite a lot about me.
Thanks to Linda, Jean, oatmeal and Special K. So, how was your morning?
OK, five, but enjoy the wild card:
Already Pretty
Sal’s style-and-body-image blog champions (among many other things) the use of clothes as a creative outlet. I love that; such a practical and underrated way to incorporate artistry into a morning. I mean everyone has to get dressed, right? Her simple, but ground-breaking tips for me have included an intro to Land’s End (I know, I’d never heard of them) and how to wear black intentionally (as opposed to using it as a default). She also loves Banksy (clearly a winner).
Zen Habits
Leo reminds me that any behaviour (take over-eating and lethargy as examples) is extremely difficult to change; but not impossible. His blog is a weekly reminder to stay focused on looking after yourself. Related to mornings? His breakfast ideas (remind me to do scrambled tofu mmmm) and his musings on getting up early are well worth a read.
Kendi Everyday
Kendi’s 30for30 is huge, and for good reason. Firstly, try re-mixing 30 items of clothes (including shoes) in 30 days and then we’ll talk. Practically, 30for30 was like being forced to give myself fashion advice with the things I already have. I told you it was great. Kendi herself is a fashion blogger, in the biggest sense of the word, and is incredibly talented. Take today's post as a simple example.
The Edible Perspective
Ashley loves super-nutritious breakfasts and Scottish oats. What more does a girl need? She cooks with her favourite basics again and again, while simply adjusting and blogging the results. Which pretty much always look fantastic. I tried her Banana Scramble here, but check out her own variations here and here. I am, however, still working up the courage to face one of those green smoothies (am not quite there). And she gives swimming tips!! OK, I’m still at the ‘stay in the pool for 30mins’ phase...
Improv Everywhere
I mean, have you seen this? This ‘blog’ is a total random, I realize, but there is nothing more exhiliarating than making others laugh whatever time of day. Removing your pants en masse in public makes people laugh, see No Pants 2010 for yourself.
Just Another Wardrobe Experience
To me, Just Another Wardrobe Experience has style. Her blog is understated and minimal, her outfits are vintage-inspired while still modern and quietly original. I think her clothes fit perfectly and I enjoy the lines, colours and proportions she chooses. She also gives me hope that there are real thrifting opportunities in Germany! I particularly love her ‘Wear Less Black’ series and her collection of brooches (e.g. here). Related to mornings? Well she’s a working girl that has to get dressed at that time, right?
I also love reading Smiles Go with Everything, Haiku Ambulance, Psyblog, Runner's World Breakfast Index and many more...
What are your favourite blogs at the moment? Do you have any recommendations for me?
How was your morning?
Mine was excellent. I mean, has your breakfast ever inspired your outfit choice? Yes, my morning was that good. Warm raspberry salad turned into berry-coloured cords, berry-inspired ring and purple ruffles. And... since my blog project is about bringing some creativity and health to my mornings, I was pretty much delighted with the connection. (You're right. I'm easily impressed.) Welcome to my blog!
Oh, and the blazer! Credit for the blazer goes to Liz and Linda at Everybody Everywear. I'm not the first to make this point, but isn't it lovely when, sometimes, someone else tells you what to wear and when to wear it. Nice. Especially blazers, as I am rather partial to them myself (here, here, and here).
One happy camper. What could make a girl happier? Well, updates on your food-inspired outfits definitely would.
This morning was absolutely beautiful. 08:00, -4 °C and brilliant sunshine without a cloud in the sky. After my Week of Stress, I was out there: in my running gear with my stop watch and funky trousers, taking deep breaths and feeling positive about overcoming my chronic bursitis. I was even going to try a new technique. And so I did. 3 minutes ‘normal’ running, 3 minutes crab-like, 3 minutes normal, 3 minutes crab-like (you get the idea). I was so alert I noticed a Bond-like couple coming out of their river-side apartment dressed in the latest skin-tight, all-black winter running gear. So styled at 08:00 in the morning? Not bad. Complete with enormous dog.
They disappeared for a moment and then reappeared in the park. As the Weimaraner launched head-on into a canter, I only froze in fear when it was right at me and snarling pretty ferociously in my face. I screamed and luckily he ran off to the side.
Not the most controlled or graceful moment of my life.
(The next natural civilized step is to get annoyed with the owners for letting such an enormous hulk of a dog, obviously untrained, run around densely populated areas growling at people. As predicted, this didn’t help me to feel better. The dog has never done this before (oh, so it must be me) and he probably thought I had some treats for him (oh, you’re right, I growl when people offer me chocolate too). I actually love dogs. I am unfortunately often disappointed with their owners, however well styled.)
The one regret for me was in walking away from the couple without communicating with the dog again. While I’m not recommending this as a technique to anyone else (you know dogs can be dangerous), that dog had given me a fright and I didn’t take the chance to re-gain my own stability and confidence in the situation. Do you know what I mean? Like many people say the first thing to do after a car accident is to get back in the driver’s seat. I left the situation afraid.
Then it got me to thinking how important it is in general for people, like us, to take the time and patience to face their fears in life, however small.
And then I went home, showered, had breakfast and got dressed.
What do you think about facing your fears? Have you had a similar experience?