Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

Broach: the subject (matchy matchy)

Boy, was I tired this morning.  Talk about the dead of winter. 

Anyway, on a brighter note (you gotta laugh), the term 'matchy matchy' totally cracks me up.  I'd never heard of it before reading Already Pretty and now that I have, of course, I want to do it every day.  Getting dressed this morning was just my chance.


Silver in brooch = grey in trousers;
Red stones in brooch = red in shoes;
Black between the spaces in brooch (tenuous, I know, tenuous) = black blazer


Black gets a hard time in the blogosphere at the moment. I have a sneaking suspicion it's preparing an elegant and beautiful comeback when the time's right. Don't you?



Any ideas for an outfit inspired by my brooch?

2 Kommentare:

  1. I think black IS always plotting its elegant comeback. I know I always turn to black.

    The Auspicious Life

  2. You are so right Linda, wishful thinking on my part :-))
